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Avocado Orange Lemon Smoothie

Avocado is a well-known fruit. Protein, fat, vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients abound in avocados. It is a fruit with high nutritional content, but unlike other fruits, it does not have an overtly sour, sweet, or astringent flavour. Avocados are high in fibre and unsaturated fatty acids. Dietary fibre absorbs a lot of water in the stomach after eating, causing it to expand, increasing people's fullness, reducing their consumption of additional foods, and penetrating gastrointestinal motility. For some people, eating avocado for the first time is tough. Avocados can, in fact, be juiced. Therefore, what juice is best for avocado? Is it possible to juice avocado with oranges and lemons? Yes. Oranges have a higher concentration of vitamins than apples and pears. They are also cellulose-rich. The combination of avocado and orange juice is sweet and sour, and it aids digestion . Is it necessary to dilute avocado juice or a smoothie with water? There are general instructi

Roasted pork bone congee cooked with a pressure cooker

  Roasted pork bone congee, as the name suggests, is a congee mainly made of pork bones. It is one of the most prevalent things we eat daily. This type of congee is popular in Cantonese. Pork bones are not only nutrient-dense, but they can also supplement a certain amount of calcium required by the human body, particularly in children and the elderly. Pork bone congee is rather simple to make. I believe many housewives and friends already have one in their back pocket. A wonderful congee should be thick, soft, and glutinous; too much water will make it seem like drinking soup; too much rice would make it feel like eating rice, sticky and difficult to swallow. When spooning a spoonful of congee into your mouth, warm, soft rice grain and thick broth rippled on your tongue. Pork bone-based soup is full of umami and flavor and is also rich in protein and collagen. I bought roast pork bones from the wet market. It was already in a small chuck. But if you have a large piece of bone, so

Pasta with Chicken and Shrimp in Kung Pao Sauce

Kung pao chicken is a dish that everyone enjoys. Because it’s spicy, tangy, salty, and slightly sweet, and it's packed with umami taste. Pasta is something that everyone enjoys. Because it is so versatile.   It works with any sauce. It can be sauteed, eaten warm, or served cold as a salad. It is also wonderful just boiled with a dab of olive oil and a pinch of salt. What about a small game-changer this time? It is very acceptable to tweak things sometimes, and no one will object. They might even welcome it. Let us take this pasta, for example. Spaghetti with a Sichuan flavour. Is it possible? Or would it be one of those decisions you will come to regret later in life? Well, let me assure you that this is very wonderful. Once you have tried it, the cross-cultural status of this dish will not matter  a jot. The spaghetti is perfectly combined with the crispy peanuts. Its spicy, sweet, tangy, and savory flavour will endow the pasta with such a delightful sauce that you may want to

Harry Potter pumpkin juice

I recently paid a visit to my brother. My sister-in-law wanted to share half of the pumpkin she got from her mother before I left. I initially mistook it for a regular pumpkin. I was surprised by the size of the pumpkin when she brought it out of the fridge. It was a circular pumpkin with a 16" diameter. Have you ever seen a pumpkin this large? It was my very first time. I'm not sure how I will get this half-sized pumpkin finished. When I discovered this Harry Potter pumpkin juice, I was taken aback. Have you tried the Harry Potter pumpkin juice that was made at Hogwarts? I haven't. I choose to make my own version. A Malaysian version of Harry Potter pumpkin juice. I'm not sure what the taste of the original pumpkin juice is like. But this homemade Harry Potter pumpkin juice is my absolute favourite. Some of the recipes call for cooking on the stove, while others suggest mixing all the ingredients in a large pitcher and serving cold or hot. I used to make pumpkin sag

Dragon boat sticky rice dumpling

  The International Dragon Boat Race's launching ceremony was recently featured in the papers, and it was only then that I realized the Dragon Boat Festival was approaching. Worship, rice dumpling wrapping, and dragon boat rowing are all part of the Dragon Boat Festival. Of course, we must not forget that this event is also held to commemorate the sentiments of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. I hope that this event goes off without a hitch and that the competing teams are well preparing for the battle to get a higher outcome! Women, on the other hand, are busy at home wrapping sticky rice dumplings (zongzi).  When the Dragon Boat Festival approaches each year, markets and shops begin to sell ingredients for wrapping dumplings, such as bamboo leaves and strings, sticky rice, shiitake mushrooms, chestnuts, and dried shrimps, and so on. These ingredients are available on weekdays, but shortly before the Dragon Boat Festival, they will be the major products displayed prominently in the

Red Pitaya Dragon Fruit cheesecake

  This was my first time visiting the dragon fruits orchard. It is not a big orchard but I was greeted with neat rows of dragon fruit trees when I reached there. The scarlet dragon fruit bends the green cactus-like branches on the rows of supports. The dragon fruit in the orchard is all grown by natural planting methods. The owner explained dragon fruit is also known as Pitaya, the fruit must reach 100% ripeness, and the redness is bright before it is picked. He advised me to choose the larger, smoother fruit for a better taste. When picking fresh fruit, peeling off the skin, and biting into it, the taste is sweet and tangy, soft, and sticky. I was carrying two large bags of red dragon fruits (pitaya) from an orchard and began to consider how I could eat this extraordinary beauty and sweetness other than as a fruit. Everyone who enjoys baking wishes to create beautiful and delicious treats. So, I decided to make a fruit cheesecake that was not baked. In double layers, this pinkis

Charcoal grill roasted pork belly

  Have you ever eaten pork belly grilled over hot charcoal? Have you ever stood in line solely to purchase roasted pork grilled over hot charcoal? Have you ever been disappointed when the stall owner said the roasted pork was sold out due to a big line? What a tense situation. This charcoal-grilled meat is not exaggerated. It was not like baking in the oven. One of the meat meals I failed to create in the oven was the crispy roasted pork. The flavour is not as wonderful as the crispy pork roasted over charcoal. My husband and I decided to purchase a multi-functional charcoal grill at the end of 2019. During that time, the country was also on lockdown owing to a worldwide pandemic. This is one of the better methods to spend the time when on lockdown. This grill can cook three times the amount of meat specified in my recipe. Three textures should be present in a great roasted pork belly. The crispy skin will be the first thing you notice. Second, you will notice the fat is soft but not